July 3, 2023
Malisha’s story is a common one in rural South Asia. She had two parents who married at a young age and were expected to have children as soon as possible. Malisha’s family was doing okay for awhile and then tragedy struck – her father died of a heart attack when Malisha was only three years old. Malisha’s mother did her best to make it work, but life as a solo parent and only breadwinner in rural South Asia (or anywhere) is overwhelming. This is a perfect example of a family in need that our pastors identify in villages where a Restoring Hope church is established. A situation that may have been disastrous for Malisha and her family became a story of God’s provision and love. After many years of living in the church home, Malisha is now reunified with a biological family caregiver, her grandmother, and has been attending the very best college preparatory school all her schooling years. Without the Restoring Hope pastor offering care and support through the local church in a time of need, Malisha’s education would have been minimal and her future would have been in jeopardy, either relying on day-to-day subsistence work or to marry too young and hope for the best. Malisha, now 15, was baptized in Jesus Christ during the pandemic and hopes to be a police officer in the future. There are hundreds of children and youth like Malisha that are overcoming tragedy, learning about God’s love and looking at a bright future because of your commitment to Restoring Hope’s help of orphaned and vulnerable children through the local village church. Malisha’s life is forever changed because of your support and belief in this vital work. We, and Malisha, are so grateful for you, Sean & Paige Whiting Co-Directors, Restoring Hope