Learn about our journey empowering orphaned and vulnerable children since 2008


We began with a vision to revolutionize the care of orphan and vulnerable children by equipping the local church. Focusing on church-led discipleship, education, holistic restoration, and dignity we began helping biological families care for their children. Eighty children served by eight local pastors began what would eventually be called "Restoring Hope."


Twenty church-based homes opened, serving a total of 200 orphaned and vulnerable children. This was the first round of substantial growth for our organization.


For more than ten years, our church-based homes had been serving the children entrusted to our care. Still, we wanted more for them and their biological families. We began championing what we called family-based care, where children would be cared for within the homes of their biological families, with the much-needed support of our local churches, village pastors and social workers. One by one, we began permanently reunifying our children with their families.


Due to government requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, the rest of our children were rapidly reunified with their biological family members. As pandemic concerns waned, we took steps to ensure these placements would be successful permanently.


With a new model of care solidified (family-based care), and a big vision for the future, our organization changed its name to better represent what we seek to do: Restoring Hope to orphaned and vulnerable children, their families and entire villages.


Today 750 orphaned and vulnerable children are being served through Restoring Hope’s family-based care. Through local churches, village pastors and indigenous social workers, these children are experiencing the holistic restoration we promise them. As they look to a hope-filled future, we as an organization do the same—on our mission to ensure every child can learn their way out of poverty and experience God's love.

You can be the reason an orphaned or vulnerable child is given a hopeful futurE

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